Celebrating ZTF-I & Soft Launch of ZTF-II

News • October 26th, 2020
On Friday Oct 23, 2020, a virtual meeting was held to celebrate the conclusion of Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) Phase I ("ZTF-1") which was fully commissioned by March 2018 and formally ended this Fall. The meeting also serves as a formal vote of thanks for the ZTF Community Science Advisory Committee (CSAC; Chair, Steve Ridgway, NSF's OIR Lab; Marcel Augueros, Lisa Storrie-Lombardi, Juna Kollmeier, Marc Pinsonneault, Mukremin Kilic, David Sand).
Thanks to continued funding from NSF and a global partnership we will operate ZTF for FY2021-2023. The end ZTF-II also marks the rise of the Vera Rubin Observatory. We introduce the capabilities and vision for this second phase of ZTF during the second part of the meeting. This part ends with a discussion session in which the ZTF-II team will answer questions from the audience. The forum also serves for inputs from the community.
The meeting website holds the complete presentation material and recordings of the talks.